Tuesday, January 28, 2020


In case of son would overlap , as shown below , it is sufficient to click a son concerned, it becomes red and can then be shifted so as to be distinguished from the other thread. We will go back the project name , size patterns , the type of driver to use single or multi-wire , date etc. The work area is to the right , this is where they deposit items, and link them to form the pattern. The first is the common collection provided by default , the second is that of combining its components created by user himself. Make a diagram TEQ is so quick and easy: The color, position, orientation , etc. qelectrotech 0.22

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Read Show pagesource Old revisions. Click the right mouse button on the target component in the Panel elements. We will go back the project namesize patternsthe type of driver to use single or multi-wiredate etc.

Source Package: qelectrotech (1:0.5-2)

The work area is to the rightthis is where they deposit items, and link them to form the pattern. Work under Linux made the experience much more interesting. Languages Translations of this page: Abstract Within the unit of Free SoftwaresWe Have Discovered many free tools and softwares related to electrical engineering goal aussi more general scientific domains.

The freedom to adapt software according to these needs. We will explore the features of TEQ through a small example schema: The color, position, orientationetc.

qelectrotech 0.22

The first is the common collection provided by defaultthe second is that of combining its components created by user himself same or imported from outside. By clicking on Project in the menu bar we can add a diagram to removeto clean.

It is necessary to change the project properties to properly define and to work as desired.

qelectrotech 0.22

The left side gives access to two components: The second 'Cancellation' pane displays a list of all the shares of companies changes and cancellations in the diagram. TEQ interface is simple and easy to use.

The button display in configuration displays all the parameters characterizing a piece of the scheme: In case of son would overlapas shown belowit is sufficient to click a son concerned, it becomes red and can then be shifted so as to be distinguished from the other thread.

Free software gives users the freedom to runcopy, distribute, study, change and improve the software. Qet incorporating 0.22 the parameters of the project. The design of the new component is exactly the same as for editing. Note that in the current versionsupport is not availablehowever explanations are available on the website of the software.


It is specially designed to make the electrical mapping oriented electrical and power electronicsno simulation or calculations. Projects are saved in a file. This version of TEQ addsadjust elements freely pixel by pressing the Ctrl key during the operation. Click the right mouse button on the target component in the. After moving the desired component You can annotate by double clicking on qelechrotech fields provided for this purpose.

Note that this is only 0.2 for the system administratorother users can not modify shared content between different sessions. Among these requirementsthe user can for example edit a component provided by default.

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It can be selected either in the collection of componentsor if the pattern is already. The image size can be changed, security settingsformat, options also made. In turnwe will present qelectrotecha single mapping software for qelecrotech circuits. Creating a new element TEQ provides the ability to create yourself a new item.

qelectrotech 0.22

Opposed to the restrictive policy source codethey are expressed for a free user access to programs. Under EU Free Software qelecteotech, we discover a multitude of free software in the field of electrical engineering but also more general science.

Opposed to the restrictive policy source codethey are expressed. We took the example of a simple circuit breaker that we want to edit.

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