Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Concat example 2 rule Example 3 In this example, the variable image name is concatenated from 3 parts: Positioning icon The sample shows the distribution method, the starting corner, and the direction whether vertical or horizontal. The rule is saved under the name you typed in the Name field. The yellow indications will be ignored. It is possible to cancel the job currently being processed by clicking the Cancel Job button. Database window - one row equals one record With the Set Record by and rows in record fields, you can set several database rows to be considered a single record: The new operator replaces the existing operator in the expression. hp smartstream designer cs5

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This rule can be assigned, for example, to the First Name field, or to any other text in the text channel. Clearing this check box forces the images hl RIP or load each time they appear in the database report file or in another job that uses the same output JLYT file.

If needed, define more than one text box and link the boxes using the InDesign link option.

See "Dynamic Personalization - advanced image channel definition" on page 43 for more details. Each chart can include 3D, multiple datasets, gradients, transparency, unlimited annotation, and smoothing. SmartStream menu options The various tools are described in the sections of this guide.

Examples of predefined imposition templates To define single layouts: If the value in designed Age field is less than 6, insert the image Dolly.

HP SmartStream Designer 2.5 for InDesign CS3 - User Guide

For more information about Fast and Optimized jobs, see "Defining personalization channels" on page Smarfstream more details, see http: Concat example 2 rule Example 3 In this example, the variable image name is concatenated from 3 parts: The Custom Colors window appears. Feedback Privacy Policy Feedback.

hp smartstream designer cs5

Custom layout imposition, Sequential The N-up of your selection in the 8 page on the spread example is done, as shown above. Click Next Corner to change the starting corner of the positioning icon. Variable Options window - creating a new variable 4 After listing all the variables that is, defining a name and type for each oneclick the Camera icon in the Variables palette.

Imposition templates can be generic or non-generic: The table rows are records and the columns are fields. ENWW 6 You can align the block of pages to nine different positions within the margins: It does not delete it from the rule folder if it was exported to this location. Switch Rule example Working with simple rules ENWW Creating a new layer rule using the switch template Layer rules can be applied to any document that contains several InDesign layers.

Automatic processing using hot folders The hot folder tool supports single user automation within an internal network. Selected and disabled Duplex check box 5 Imposing jobs To rotate the entire layout, select 0o, 90o, o or o in the Rotate pull down list. Image 2 The characters A.

HP SmartStream Designer for Adobe InDesign and HP SmartStream Composer

The text and image channels can be derived from database files. Gutter between signature smatrstream Gap between signatures Figure The imposition file is saved in: Apply change to All Sheet Figure The Partner Marketing Group is a marketing consulting resource for Microsoft partner organizations.

Click the Layout tab and type values in the Horizontal and Vertical fields for the page repeats. The name of the picture file is taken from the field Type, starting at the sixth 6 character, 5 characters long.

HP SmartStream Designer for Adobe InDesign and HP SmartStream Composer - ppt download

Variable Options window - creating a new variable 74 Dynamic Personalization - advanced image channel definition ENWW 5 Select the graph on the drawing board and the variable row in the Variables palette. Dfsigner this option through a style rule. If there are only yellow and blue indications, you can click Continue and create the job.

hp smartstream designer cs5

The first line in any database file is considered to be a header line if smartstreaam provides header information or actual data. Age The Images folder contains images such as ToyA.

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